
Adapted guar gum

Adapted guar gum as per Chris' reply to a forum user. 1:1:1 xanthan, guar, iota at 0.1% of final weight. Replaced vanilla beans with vanilla bean paste. (Am a student, so I compromised a little. Colour's a touch creamier) Churned in ice cream maker.


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{"id":159,"activity_id":296,"user_id":17411,"title":"Adapted guar gum","image_id":"{\"url\":\"https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/OUXuD1OES0y8XdR4zEiO\",\"filename\":\"image.jpg\",\"mimetype\":\"image/jpeg\",\"size\":117736,\"key\":\"users_uploads/6ROqBR3NS06m9OQHpSGw_image.jpg\",\"isWriteable\":true}","notes":"Adapted guar gum as per Chris' reply to a forum user. 1:1:1 xanthan, guar, iota at 0.1% of final weight.\r\n\r\nReplaced vanilla beans with vanilla bean paste. (Am a student, so I compromised a little. Colour's a touch creamier)\r\n\r\nChurned in ice cream maker.","created_at":"2013-09-22T10:42:23.731Z","updated_at":"2013-09-22T21:39:04.207Z","course_id":null,"approved":true,"likes_count":null,"slug":"adapted-guar-gum","comments_count":2,"assembly_id":null}