
Chicken Roulade - Bacon "Surprise"

ere is my riff on Chicken Roulade. I have seen several "bacon - wrapped" recipes - so I decided to put the bacon on the inside. I cooked the bacon to what I consider 75% done. Blot dry and cool. Assembled the chicken breast roulade by placing the bacon inside. To get the star look I cut the bacon in half and then sliced the chicken lengthwise being careful to not cut all the way through, Put a bacon piece along the chicken strip and the 1/2 width pieces perpendicular. Into the fridge overnight. Cooked Sous Vide for 65 min at 59.5C. Finished on the grill for marking.


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{"id":926,"activity_id":1971,"user_id":37884,"title":"Chicken Roulade - Bacon \"Surprise\"","image_id":"{\"url\":\"https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/0sNXOJ3QIyPs5fEhiiBJ\",\"filename\":\"Ron_\u0026_Geri-1417.jpg\",\"mimetype\":\"image/jpeg\",\"size\":670896,\"key\":\"users_uploads/f5x6cIanSyWURFnLjtxo_Ron_\u0026_Geri-1417.jpg\",\"container\":\"chefsteps-production\",\"isWriteable\":true}","notes":"ere is my riff on Chicken Roulade. I have seen several \"bacon - wrapped\" recipes - so I decided to put the bacon on the inside.\r\nI cooked the bacon to what I consider 75% done. Blot dry and cool. Assembled the chicken breast roulade by placing the bacon inside. To get the star look I cut the bacon in half and then sliced the chicken lengthwise being careful to not cut all the way through, Put a bacon piece along the chicken strip and the 1/2 width pieces perpendicular. Into the fridge overnight.\r\nCooked Sous Vide for 65 min at 59.5C. Finished on the grill for marking.","created_at":"2014-07-24T05:18:33.428Z","updated_at":"2014-07-24T08:45:01.685Z","course_id":null,"approved":true,"likes_count":null,"slug":"chicken-roulade-bacon-surprise","comments_count":0,"assembly_id":null}