
Molten Chocolate Souffle

I didn't have any vanilla beans for the creme anglaise, also it was fully cooled to room temp when I put it on the souffle. It didn't seem to raise up as much probably because I had curved ramekins. It was super easy to make and super rich.


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{"id":558,"activity_id":2495,"user_id":24375,"title":"Molten Chocolate Souffle","image_id":"{\"url\":\"https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/T1BOak2PRQiqXSIJVfl4\",\"filename\":\"201402_chocolatesouffle.jpg\",\"mimetype\":\"image/jpeg\",\"size\":3786095,\"key\":\"users_uploads/GpDKI1awQSOt77T9hTjI_201402_chocolatesouffle.jpg\",\"container\":\"chefsteps-production\",\"isWriteable\":true}","notes":"I didn't have any vanilla beans for the creme anglaise, also it was fully cooled to room temp when I put it on the souffle. It didn't seem to raise up as much probably because I had curved ramekins. It was super easy to make and super rich.","created_at":"2014-02-15T03:03:47.533Z","updated_at":"2014-02-15T20:21:09.418Z","course_id":null,"approved":true,"likes_count":1,"slug":"molten-chocolate-souffle--2","comments_count":2,"assembly_id":null}