
Buttermilk Biscuits

Just finished my gorgeous looking, fluffy biscuit :) some remarks: the butter I used was too salty to be good. I really appreciated the tip of frozen butter. Maybe I can add to this that next time I will use 2 bowls: one with the flour mixture and one with some flour mixture in which I add, while shaving the butter, small batches of flour, so the butter gets immediately coated and it cannot stick on hot days like today :) thanks guys!


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{"id":58,"activity_id":439,"user_id":12963,"title":"Buttermilk Biscuits","image_id":"{\"url\":\"https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/ntIL6E7fQbGtY8PMY9Z9\",\"filename\":\"IMAG0546.jpg\",\"mimetype\":\"image/jpeg\",\"size\":2928749,\"key\":\"users_uploads/9X93clDRdSqpTF2pUmx3_IMAG0546.jpg\",\"isWriteable\":true}","notes":"Just finished my gorgeous looking, fluffy biscuit :) some remarks: the butter I used was too salty to be good. I really appreciated the tip of frozen butter. Maybe I can add to this that next time I will use 2 bowls: one with the flour mixture and one with some flour mixture in which I add, while shaving the butter, small batches of flour, so the butter gets immediately coated and it cannot stick on hot days like today :) thanks guys! ","created_at":"2013-07-28T19:08:07.419Z","updated_at":"2013-07-28T19:18:05.297Z","course_id":null,"approved":true,"likes_count":4,"slug":"buttermilk-biscuits","comments_count":0,"assembly_id":null}