
Pork Belly with Banana Puree

Pork belly, brased for 30 hours in a mixture of aniz, cinnamon, coffee, and orange peel. Cooked for 48 hours at 62 degrees in sous vide, flamed with a caramel made with wood, aniz, bay leaves and orange.


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{"id":757,"activity_id":1525,"user_id":13047,"title":"Pork Belly with Banana Puree","image_id":"{\"url\":\"https://www.filepicker.io/api/file/dxKqgUT12VuFnkjFEMVw\",\"filename\":\"pork banana copia.jpg\",\"mimetype\":\"image/jpeg\",\"size\":74398,\"key\":\"users_uploads/yCJQJRuPQDWK3zD8tWCu_pork banana copia.jpg\",\"container\":\"chefsteps-production\",\"isWriteable\":true}","notes":"Pork belly, brased for 30 hours in a mixture of aniz, cinnamon, coffee, and orange peel. Cooked for 48 hours at 62 degrees in sous vide, flamed with a caramel made with wood, aniz, bay leaves and orange.","created_at":"2014-04-15T14:25:12.751Z","updated_at":"2014-04-16T20:12:08.088Z","course_id":null,"approved":true,"likes_count":1,"slug":"pork-belly-with-banana-puree","comments_count":0,"assembly_id":null}